Tor Skorgevik





Tor Skorgevik

Chief Officer


Siem Pearl

Tor Skorgevik works as Chief Officer on board the Siem Pearl, and has been with SEA1 Offshore for nearly 7 years, during which time he has worked on several of our anchor handling tug supply vessels (AHTS).  

For Tor, working at sea isn’t just a job – it’s a lifestyle. He speaks highly of the unique bond among the crew members onboard, describing the onboard environment as excellent:

– When you’re with people you enjoy being around, it's the best job in the world. Your colleagues become like family, he says.

Chief Officer Tor Skorgevik (right) together with Captain Per Ståle Fiskaa

In addition to the strong camaraderie, Tor finds great satisfaction in the work itself, which he describes as action-packed and full of learning opportunities:

– Handling anchors is tough, exhilarating work – it demands strength, yet offers constant learning moments, especially during critically operations. As we operate in the spot market, we’re never quite certain of our next task. It’s diverse, allowing us to explore many new places. For example, sailing along the Norwegian coastline is a true blessing on sunny days.”

Tor is passionate about encouraging others to consider a career at sea, as the industry eagerly awaits fresh talents:

– For those revel in maritime adventure and action, a career on offshore vessels, particularly in anchor handling, is incredibly fulfilling, he says, and adds:

– Working on deck has its challenges, especially as an AB on an AHTS vessel – it’s demanding but immensely rewarding if it resonates with you. I hope more people discover the allure of this unique job. It’s truly a remarkable career!

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