«As a member of the Norwegian Shipowner’s Association, we share their goal and work towards zero emissions in 2050. We have a long way to go, but believe that if we all contribute, we will succeed. We care about the environment, but even more about our people. We believe in having an open dialogue and close connection between sea and shore - we find sustainable solutions.
Through our polices, communication and daily work, we encourage and expect all our Employees and Stakeholders to act openly, honestly and transparently. It is the Company’s intention to develop and mature our ESG-work as we move forward. Already established KPIs and accounting metrics given in guidelines from the Norwegian Shipowner’s Association have been used for reporting.
The Management Team in SEA1 Offshore fully supports the Organization’s effort and contribution towards a more sustainable business».
We remain committed to minimizing the impact of our activities on the natural environment everywhere we operate. Protection of the environment is an essential element of operational planning and execution. Our long-term targets and global improvement plan is to:
- Minimize impact on the natural environment
- Promote energy efficiency
- Reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
- Prevent unnecessary waste
- Prepare for future challenges and opportunities through industry collaboration and leadership.
Our environmental targets:
To cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% compared to 2008
Only order vessels with zero emission technology
Climate neutral fleet
Energy efficiency
- Shore power system is installed on several vessels.
- Battery installations installed or planned in several vessels
- We reduce fuel consumption by equipping our vessels with state of the art Høglund Ship Performance system in combination with Maress digital software.
- Hull cleaning agreement in place with ECOsubsea
- Annual FO-campaigns giving high involvement and awareness among crew.
SEA1 Offshore has chosen to use the following formula for carbon intensity:

As shown, the carbon intensity has been reduced with 33% since 2008.
Waste reduction
We actively work towards reducing the use and disposal of plastic bottles and plastic on the vessels, replacing plastic bottles with thermo bottles and water dispensers on the vessels. Vendors use less wrapping on the pallets.
We have a continuous focus on reducing food waste aboard our vessels.
SEA1 Offshore ensures that vessels are demolished and recycled in accordance with internationally accepted green recycling regulations, practices and procedures. This includes IMO Guidelines on ship recycling, the Hong Kong International Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships 2009, EU Regulation NO 1257/2013 regarding Ship Recycling.
Safe Workplace
The Company shall provide a safe workplace for all employees. The Company policies “Environmental Policy”, “Health and Safety Policy” and “Personnel and Crew Management Policy”, are the governing documents and basis for our continuous safety work.
All employees have the obligation to stop or delay activities that may place him/her or others at risk of being injured. Employees and subcontractor working for SEA1 Offshore have a duty to comply with HSEQ policy and are accountable for their individual performance, and the performance of those working under our supervision. By doing so, we will continuously develop our HSEQ culture and performance.
The Company shall have procedures in place for management of contractors and pre-qualification of shipyards, to ensure that health and safety issues are in compliance with our standard for employees also outside our organization. Reference is made to the new Transparency Act on this subject.
Gender Diversity
The Company focuses on gender diversity both onshore and offshore.
Mapping of age, gender and part time work is on going for all our workers, including seafarers employed by manning agents.
Following KPI-levels are set for both short and long term, and offshore and onshore:
Women offshore Level 3 & 4 (Jr. Officers & AB’s):
• 10% in 2025, 20% in 2030 and 50% in 2050
Women onshore Level 1 to 3 (Management & Department leads):
• Level 1: 20% in 2025, 40% in 2030 and 50% in 2050
• Level 2 & 3: 30% in 2025, 40% in 2030 and 50% in 2050
SEA1 Offshore´s business model is based on a commitment to carry out our activities in an efficient and responsible manner for the long-term benefit of our shareholders and society. We support the United Nations (UNs) Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Global Compact’s Principles on human rights, labour standard, environment and anti-corruption.
Working conditions:
SEA1 Offshore observes fair employment practices in every aspect of its business. The company is committed to providing equal opportunity and fair treatment to all individuals on the basis of merit, without discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, religion, national origin, gender, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation, disability or other characteristics protected by applicable law.
All our employees have the freedom of organization.
Anti corruption:
SEA1 Offshore has a policy of zero tolerance for corruption. All our employees must refrain from using improper influence on any individual or entity. Due to the international nature of our business, we are subject to several anti-corruption laws.
Anti slavery:
SEA1 Offshore has zero tolerance to modern slavery, and has effective systems to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place in our business or supply chains.
SEA1 Offshore Account of Transparency Act Due Diligence:
Download SEA1 Offshore Account of Transparency Act Due Diligence here.
Sea1 Offshore Cooperation in industry:
Sea1 Offshore is collaborating with Solstad Offshore to improve working conditions and promote human rights within the industry. By sharing audit findings and emphasizing transparency, we aim to foster positive change across the sector. Download the agreement here.
Sea1 Offshore Canada Limited Partnership Accessibility Plan and Feedback Process:
Download Sea1 Offshore Canada Limited Partnership Accessibility Plan here.
Download Sea1 Offshore Canada Limited Partnership Accessibility Feedback Process here.